Established in 1976, Mutt & Jeff Porkskins is a small, family-owned business that takes great pride and care in the quality and taste of our products.

Mutt & Jeff was founded 45 years ago. When the company began, we sold only wash pot skins, cooked in cast iron kettles. Over the years, customers requested other products. With the funds from an SBA loan, we were able to start an automated popping operation. We broadened our products to include pork rinds, and cracklins. Over time, the demand got so high that we began to have our products co-packed by a large USDA plant out of the Chicago area. We currently have 19 different SKUs of products in Plain, Hot/Spicy, Salt & Vinegar, Barbecue, and our new Mustard flavor. You can order our products by the case to be shipped to your door from our website.
- Tronador Cracklins
- Washpots Regular
- Porkskins Regular
- Porkskins Hot
- Porkskins Salt and Vinegar
- Porkskins BBQ
- Porkskins Mustard
- Country Cracklins Regular
- Country Cracklins Spicy
- Country Cracklins Salt and Vinegar
- Cracklin Curls Regular
- Cracklin Curls Spicy
- Cracklin Curls Salt and Vinegar
- Cracklin Curls BBQ
- Cracklin Curls Mustard
- White Dirt
- Dill Kaiser Pickles
- Hot Kaiser Pickles